Musical modes
What are they?
Musical modes originated in Greek antiquity. Modes are a series of seven diatonic pitches that contain two semitones and two whole tones.
So what is a semitone (or half step)? If you picture a piano it is a white to a black key, such as C to C#. Now that we understand what a semitone is, what is a whole tone (or whole step)? Again, if we imagine a piano a whole tone could be a white key to a white key such as C to D. (See Example 1)
Another key member to the construction of a mode is the tetrachord. A tetrachord is a group of four consecutive notes created in the confines of a perfect fourth. It is built with 2 whole tones and 1 semitone.
The music of the ancient Greeks revolved around the tetrachord. Modes are formed by combining two tetrachords such as the Greek Dorian mode E-D-C-B A-G-F-E. (See Example 2)
Example 1
Example 2
Fast forward in history to the 6th and 7th century AD we are introduced to plain chant also known as Gregorian Chant. Gregorian Chants are based on eight different modes, the names of these modes are Dorian, Hypodorian, Phrygian, Hypophrygian, Lydian, Hypolydian and Mixolydian and Hypomixolydian.
As we move through history we see another development between the 12th and 16th century which brought about a massive change in modal theory. Major and minor modes began to emerge; these are known as the Ionian and Aeolian modes which are our common major and natural minor scales.
These scales form the basis of all western music today.
How to build the modes
Example 3
Lets use the C Major Scale as an example
(See Example 3)
Ionian Mode
Also known as the Major Scale. It is built with wwhwwwh
This is how it looks in C Major. C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
Dorian Mode
Dorian is built on the second scale degree. So instead of starting on C it starts on D. It is built with whwwwhw
This is how it looks in C Major. D-E-F-G-A-B-C-D
Phrygian Mode
Phrygian is built on the third scale degree. It is built with hwwwhww
This is how it looks in C Major. E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E
Lydian Mode
Lydian is built on the fourth scale degree. It is built with wwwhwwh
This is how it looks in C Major. F-G-A-B-C-D-E-F
Mixolydian Mode
Mixolydian is built on the fifth scale degree. It is built with wwhwwhw
This is how it looks in C Major. G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G
Aeolian Mode
Aeolian is built on the sixth scale degree. It is also know as the natural minor scale. It is built with whwwhww
This is how it looks in C Major. A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A
Locrian Mode
Locrian is built on the seventh scale degree. It is built with hwwhwww
This is how it looks in C Major. B-C-D-E-F-G-A-B